I love reading, so much so that I can get lost in a book. But I am not reading much, not for lack of reading material, but I lack the motivation and inspiration. There are a few writers who have captivated my mind and when they don't have new reading material I am bored stiff.
The others try but they just don't speak to me as much. My favourite writers of all time are Francine Rivers and Judith Bronte. I love the old classics as well but these two ladies write such inspiring stories that draw me to my knees, that make me pause to talk to God. Their stories are fictional but they speak volumes.
I also want to write like Francine and Judith, at the moment I am nowhere near producing what they are doing so I am not even going to try. I am going to stick to writing devotionals because I don't think I have an imagination like theirs. I will write them on the blog daily. I don't have any followers yet, but hopefully
I will pick them up as time goes.
The other person who has tried to write and has succeeded is the lady who wrote Harry Porter, I forget her name. The detail in her stories is remarkable, she puts you right on the scene and does it in such a way that all her readers have a single view of the story. When it comes out in movie theaters, you can remember things from the book and everything will be exactly how you read it.
I read some Harry Porter books and I was reminded of Francine Rivers. They have an almost similar style of writing. The irony of it all, they are on opposite sides. One writes Christian fiction and the other...well, from her books writes non Christian books. Talent wasted on Harry Porter!
Its interesting how we have become so desensitized into thinking that evil is cool and more fun as compared to good. Most Christian songs don't even have the word Jesus or God in them. They appeal to our highly charged emotions and that is just how the world likes them. Christians would rather buy non Christian material than buy Christian material to feed our minds.
And we wonder and marvel at the atrocities happening all over the world!
I am also guilty of that, I am saddened to admit I like watching programmes like Merlin which encourage witchcraft and idolatry, Ben 10 which shows a universe dependent on a kid with a watch that gives him the ability to turn into a dozen powerful aliens and rescue the world! Where is Christ in the programmes we watch on tv? We are such a science oriented generation that we have pushed Christ out of our lives.
The few Christian programmes out there are so commercialised that they are more about entertaining than lifting Christ just so that they can have viewers. Those that are not are deemed boring and no one watches them. What have we become? We need the Lord now more than ever.
I have long wanted to blog, to lift up Christ, to praise, worship Him using the talents he has given me and I have only just began
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