The text for the sermon today was from Genesis 18:1-8
The story were Abraham is sitting at the door of his tent and sees 3 strangers and runs to them and begs them to take a rest stop in his tent. They agree, he runs to Sarah and asks her to bake 3 cakes and Sarah doesn't even ask why, but bakes the cakes which Abraham gives to the gentlemen.
How many people would do that in this day and age? Invite not just any visitors, but strangers into their homes. I know it would be difficult for me to do that, I would think of all the evil that might befall me if I were to do such a thing! But the bible says some of us have entertained angels unawares. Surely people were still evil in those days, after all, the 3 men were on the way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of the evil in those cities! Why are we so afraid of man? Cant God take care of us? I am sure he can and I pray that my hubby and I can be like Abraham and Sarah, entertaining the strangers that God brings our way. I pray also for protection and the ability to discern those who will want to do us harm.
It was such a humble inspiring sermon..... A call to true Christian living, not just the lip service that we pay to Christianity.
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