Sunday, July 25, 2010


I am back.......
Been gone 2 weeks now. :-) Must admit I had lots of fun! Ok, Lusaka wasnt all that and a part of me knew it wouldnt be wow. Training was ok, the lady supposed to be training wasnt exactly knowledgeable on the subject. It was a waste of my time! Even though the company was paying for me to be there, I could have used the time wisely. I felt bad, like I was robbing the company of time and money!! And to make it worse, the lady treated us like we were some poor stupid africans!! I dont like being treated like I dont have a brain.

:-) Cape Town!!! Well, that was wow!!! I had a beautiful time with my husband. It was a foretaste of what our life would be after the 5th of December and I absolutely love it!! Farai is a true gem! I love this partnership and I have God to thank for creating us for each other.

Back home now and not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. :-( got a pain on my back even, :-( stress!! Its not a difficult job, but I work with people who are constantly trying to prove that they are capable and good by putting me down and belittling what i do even though I know they dont have half the brains I do. :-) I am fearfully and wonderfully made!! Daughter of the most high, why am I afraid of people who have no Jesus? They need to see him in me, I need to walk with my head held high, work hard, love life and everyone around me.
:-) With that...... I am ready for the week!!! Plus, tomorrow is a day closer to my wedding day and living with Farai :-) :-)

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